Maintenance appareils fabriqués


After a test phase in 2019 (200 machines refurbished), in early 2020, the Kremer group set up a service for maintaining its manufactured equipment to allow more economically sustainable use (repairs, servicing, painting, verifications, etc.).

Such servicing was already available for slings and chains, and is now extended to all the equipment we design and manufacture in our workshops. Please feel free to enquire with us!

Tablette de contrôle préventif des équipements


That responsibility towards our customers is supplemented by a preventive maintenance service: all our products are now identified with a QR code. They can now be traced to inform you of preventive maintenance as and when it is required!

Thus, we can guarantee the continuous monitoring of your equipment, based on a series of criteria defined during the designing process. That option will be offered and provided using digital tools; also see our Inspections section.